Products We Love

Important Links

  • InstaFresh Meals - The Blog

    Bring families back to the dinner table with this huge selection of wholesome and flavorful recipes for dinner, sides, desserts, sauces, and more!

    InstaFresh Meals 
  • Freezer Meal Accessories

    We customized these stands and buckets to meet our specific Instant Pot freezer meal needs. These sell out fast and take time to restock so grab them while they are available!

    Stands and Buckets 
  • The BEST Menu Planner Pamphlet

    Plan your meals on one side, list your groceries on the other - Meal planning DONE! Bonus: Center perforation allows you to easily rip out your grocery list!

    Menu Planner Pamphlet 

Free Printables

  • Cookbook Nutrition Facts

    Find nutrition facts for all of the recipes here.

    Nutrition Facts 
  • Inventory Checklist

    Keep track of the meals your currently have in your freezer with this handy checklist. Put it right on your fridge so you always know what you have on hand!

    Print Checklist 
  • Menu Planner

    Write your meals on the left side, add your groceries to the right. Easy, simple and efficient way to plan your week! Print in any size you prefer.

    Print Menu Planner 
  • Instant Pot Yogurt

    Did you know you can make yogurt in the Instant Pot? This is the creamiest, best tasting yogurt you've ever tasted! Print this step-by-step recipe here.

    Yogurt Printable